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Athletic Director – Brandon Gilbert:
Athletic Trainer – Ryan Lacy:
Vice Principal/Athletics – Shane Riddle:
Head Coach Contact Info​ (pdf download)

Athletic Paperwork

All athletic paperwork must be completed and turned in to the Athletic Trainer prior to participating in athletics. ​Physicals must be done each year and be dated after June 1 prior to the upcoming school year. All packets are located in the front office or you can get from a coach. 

Athletics Physical Packet (Click to download pdf)

NCAA Presentation Slideshow (Click to download pdf)​

NCAA Information

Athletic Eligibility

Please see the Athletic Eligibility link for complete information.  Basically, athletes must have a 2.0 GPA at each quarter, taking at least 5 classes and passing 4. A 2.0 GPA is the minimum, we recommend 2.5 GPA or higher, push to do better.​


An athlete that is suspended is not allowed to participate in any activities (including games and practices) for 14 consecutive days from the day of the suspension. ​

Sports Offered

 Bullard offers interscholastic athletics in 24 programs plus Pep and Cheer. There are 3 seasons: Fall, Winter, and Spring. There is an overlap between each season, but it does not prevent students from participating in 2 or more sports throughout the year.

View the calendar linked below for season dates.​

CIF Calendar    Download