College and Career Resources
Thanksgiving and Winter Break Work Permits
For Fresno Unified StudentsOnly:If you need a work permit during Thanksgiving orWinter Break, please contact the College and Career Readiness office in Fresno Unified School District:
College & Career Readiness Office
4120 N First Street
Fresno, CA 93726
(559) 248-7465
Hours: 8:00 am – 3:00 pm
The College & Career Readiness Office will process and issue work permits
on the following dates:
November 22, 23, & 24
December 20, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29 & 30, 2021 and January 3 4, 5, 6, & 7, 2022
Checklist to get a work permit:
- Receive a job offer from an employer PRIOR to obtaining a work permit
- Complete an Intent to Employ, State of California Department of Education form number B1-1; available online at or may be picked up at the College & Career Readiness Office
- Have employer complete and sign their portion of the application
- Once student, parent and employer complete and sign their section, call 248-7465 to schedule an appointment to have your work permit processed
- At your scheduled appointment, a work permit will be issued on site and student must stay at the office building while the work permit is generated. Appointments can take up to 30 minutes
- District staff reviews student’s grades and attendance to determine student’s eligibility and notes grades and attendance on the B1-1
- District staff will generate official work permit (B1-4 form), print 3 copies, and sign. Student is given the work permit to sign
- After signing, two forms are given to the student — one form is to be given to the employer and one is for the student’s records. One form is retained by the District
Per California Labor Law, students cannot work during school hours.
Work Permit Application and Instructions for Bullard High School Students
Work Permit Instructions and Request Form (COVID-19 Update) 2020-2021_01_COPY.pdf
Here are the five steps for getting a work permit currently at Bullard High School:
- Step one: Download the work permit request form just above these instructions.
- Step two: Take the work permit request form to the employer and have them fill out and sign the employer section of the form. Fill out the sections for yourself and make sure all the places for signatures have been filled out.
- Step three: Take pictures or scan the completed form.
- Step four: Contact Mr. Madden and Mr. Vasquez by email to let them know you have a work permit that requires processing. When you send your email, please attach pictures or scans of the completed work permit request form.
- Step five: When the work permit request form has been processed, an email will be sent to the student in their FUSD email containing instructions on how to sign their work permit and completing the work permit.
Work Permits FAQ
1. Do I need a work permit to apply for jobs?
No, you do not need a work permit to apply for jobs, you only need a work permit to legally start working. Once you have been hired by an employer, download the work permit request form.
2. What do I do after I download the Work Permit Request form?
Take the work permit request form to the employer and have them fill out and sign the employer section of the form. Fill out the sections for yourself and make sure all the places for signatures have been filled out.
3. What do I do after the Work Permit Request form is all filled out?
Contact Mr. Madden and Mr. Vasquez by email to let them know you have a work permit that requires processing. When you send your email, please attach pictures or scans of the completed work permit request form. When the work permit request form has been processed, an email will be sent to the student in their FUSD email containing instructions on how to sign their work permit and completing the work permit.
Career Center Hours
Monday – Friday (School Days Only) on Teams
Please email Mr. Madden ahead of office hours so that he can prepare any necessary information for you.
Services Available
- Work Permit Request Forms
- Pathway Support Information
- Résumé, Cover Letter and Personal Statement Assistance
- College and Career Plan
- College and Career Readiness Faire Information
- College Information
- Guest Speakers
- Community Service and Volunteer Information
- Military Information
- ASVAB (Career Exploration Test)
WorkAbility I (Special Education) Contacts
Ms. Holmes
Mr. Silva
College and Career Readiness Contacts
Mr. Vasquez
(559) 451-4345
Mr. Madden
(559) 451-4323